Because He lives, I can face yesterday.
~ Jared C. Wilson

January 2, 2010


Today's featured family member is.......Suzy! Affectionately known as Suzers, SuzyQ, Suzybelle, and Suze. A little blonde-headed pixie, she bounces around creating sunshine for us all. Her laugh is the most infectious thing ever, and she is extremely ticklish. She and John are buds, and oftentimes she will condescend to let me hug her. For Christmas she gave me a story that she had written herself, entitled "Betsey and her puppies" complete with illustrations. She loves the first grade, and is super smart, getting all A's in everything. Her fashion sense is rather interesting; she never wears matching socks, and the colors of her clothes must never match (except for church). 

For the first two years of her life, she and I shared a room together. It was an awesome deal for me, since I got most of the room to arrange as I pleased, and only had to put up with her napping schedule. I was a very callous big sister, always sleeping through her cries; Mom had to come soothe her. As Suzy got older, she would occasionally sleep in my bed with me, which was very pleasant. (One time though, I woke up to her throwing up everywhere; that was not so pleasant.)

Suzy has recently "discovered" reading, and likes to read aloud to herself. One time, I was reading with a bowl of pretzels in my lap, (there's nothing better than yummy food and a good book) and Suzy would get up, (still reading) walk slowly over to my chair, grope in my lap for a handful, then go back to her own spot. Eventually, the bowl was emptied, and I set it up on the table by my chair. So Suzy came over, and groped around for the pretzels. After about thirty seconds she finally looked up from her book and discovered that there were no more pretzels to be had!

Daddy calls her his "medicine", and when he is grumpy, a hug from her will do wonders! Altogether, she is a little "package" of joy and fun.

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