Because He lives, I can face yesterday.
~ Jared C. Wilson

January 3, 2011

Christmas Card

 Ah, the Christmas Card. That special time of year when the entire family gets together to document yet another passing year. It's a time filled with love and peace, hope and gentleness; special family moments created together. There is complete cooperation--from the oldest granny to the smallest baby. No tears, bunny ears, or bruises are ever present, and no voices are raised. Everything is accomplished quickly and everyone looks lovely, leaving a beautiful photograph that will be cherished forever.
Yeah, right!
View of the dog's rear, BB gun "accidentally" fired (although whether it was even supposed to be loaded was in question), demanded bathroom breaks, wardrobe malfunctions, "I'm so cooooold!!", "How come she gets to do that, I want to!" punching (yes it happens, *sigh*), not enough time before the self-timer dings, too much time before the timer dings, blah blah blah blah blah. What's a photographer to do???

Final product--shot 537. Whooosh. :-)